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“My life, last February 2018, with just a simple phone call, was shattered and forever changed. I very suddenly lost the love of my life for over 35 years of blissful marriage. The pain was nothing that I could have ever imagined.  Even though I had already lost my beloved brother and parents. In the depth of one dark lonely painful night early on, I found a beautiful soul on YouTube, by the name of Sue Borrows (LaRue).  I binged watched up to video 30, within the next week or so. I found comfort and a sisterhood with her. I highlighted the scriptures she shared in my bible and went back over them several times. The videos were a gift straight from the Lord into my broken heart.  She captured the essence of everything that I was feeling. Her tears were true to her heart, her smile and laughter was infectious, giving me hope that one day I, too, could be on a journey of healing. Bless her son, for encouraging her to so boldly share something so private. When I found out she was writing a book, I nearly did an Irish jig!!!!  Her story, her journey, is a story of true love and devotion, not only to her Daryle, but also to her Lord and Savior, Jesus. She is courageously clearing a path with a machete for those of us behind her. I applaud her bravery to go back to such days of intense pain, in order to help us "girls.” The added bonus of hearing her "H2's" story was just as uplifting.  His was also another story of love and devotion. I could barely put this book down. I highly recommend it to anyone going through the intense loss of a spouse. It is wonderful, nourishing.  It is full of encouragement to keep putting one foot in front of the other and to always look up to "our Jesus".”  - Snooky O'Leary- Widowed 2018

“My husband Donnie passed away on March 14, 2017. I was home alone now. My heart was broken. I was confused, dazed and in shock. Three days after his death, In desperation, I went to YouTube to see if there was anything to help comfort widows – and there I found her. Suzie Borrows talking about her husband, Daryle, and how she has survived losing him. Through these short videos called Widows Wednesday, Suzie encouraged me to look beyond myself and look to Jesus. Jesus loves us and is there for us. All we need to do is have faith and believe. Easier said than done. But through her spiritual guidance and encouragement, she helped me through some of the darkest days of my life. I reached out to Suzie through email and we started corresponding. She and her now husband, Bruce, have become some of my best friends. Suzie speaks from her heart and she knows how to hold on when you feel like letting go. Her new book Good Grief A True Story of Love, Loss, and New Life will encourage you as it did me. God is good. We do not know why things happen the way they do, but it’s all for reasons far above our understanding. Suzie has taken the pain of losing her dear Daryle and created a ministry to help thousands of hurting people through the encouragement of God’s word and promises. I am so blessed to call her my friend and you will be blessed and encouraged by reading, “Good Grief.” She is the real deal. I have also been privileged to have been a guest on a couple of her videos.” - Debbie Horton, Professional Entertainer


“I am a widow, my husband passed away a year and almost 5 months ago as of November 2019.
I believe I’m getting through this process pretty well, but I’ve been in a little funk. One day I came home from church on a Sunday and did an internet search for some kind of help to get me out of my funk.
I found several videos and most of them seemed all the same and one lady although she looked like she was in a church, did not mention The Lord once. So, I stopped that hers and then I found one of your videos and bam! You are so real. You cry and are so funny. I identified with what you said, how you expressed yourself, and what you had been through. I binge watched them until I went to bed.  I know The Lord directed me to your videos.  They really helped to lift that funk off of me.  I absolutely love how you refer to Jesus as My Jesus.  So, I decided to do that now!  I’m telling you that it makes a difference when you say, “my Jesus” it’s so much more personal. I’ve had women at church tell me that I’m an example of how to go through this process of saying goodbye to your husband because I live the word in faith and walk in it in my life.  Of course, you have good days and bad days and some really bad days, but we have a choice to make every day. I choose Joy.  I even have a cologne called Happy. I use that as a physical action to choose Joy.  My two darling little granddaughters hug me and tell me Nana you smell Happy! I love it. Yesterday I had a wellness appointment at the doctor’s office.  They took my blood pressure and it was a little elevated. The nurse proceeded to ask me if there was some reason it would be elevated. I explained to her about my husband and a few other issues in my world and she burst into tears! She apologized and told me that her husband is dying. And how he had been showing her things in the garage and house that she needs to know. Because of My Jesus and your videos, I was able to pray with and minister to her through my own pain.  It is so humbling.  The best doctors visit I have ever had! When the nurse came back in, we exchanged phone numbers. I told her she was already grieving for her husband. I went through that as well. And so, did you.  I don’t think she realized she was already grieving.  Although after they pass it’s a different level of grief. God Bless you sweet Sue for yielding to your son’s advice and the Holy Spirit to make these anointed video series.  Yes, they are anointed so I don’t think they are going anywhere. When it’s all fresh and raw and new, when you take your first breath into this widows club, I found that your very first video offers people the permission to grieve. I am trying and learning to live my best life. Again, thank you for doing those anointed videos.  I’m reminded that church is supposed to take care of the widows and the fatherless. You are part of The Church and you have and do take care of the widows.  It’s very Biblical.

Thank you so much for your ministry  
Remain Blessed,”
Karen Malone Zito- widowed 2017


“A wonderful book that touched me from beginning to end. I couldn’t put it down. It truly gripped me.” Linda Tynan - widowed 2015

“I lost my husband in January of 2020 and ordered many books about dealing with grief. All but two ended up in the garbage. Sue's was THE BOOK that brought me so much comfort and hope. Her story of coming out of deep overwhelming pain after she lost her beloved husband of over 30 years is inspiring . She turned to Jesus and He healed her and showed her that He was there for her in miraculous ways, including bringing a special man into her life who is now her second much loved husband. Truly an inspiring book. She also has a video series on YouTube that accompanies this book called "WidowsWednesday" which are incredibly helpful. I can't recommend this book highly enough".

Jane Houston - Canada

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